Saturday, June 18, 2011

CeLeStiAL SteaMpUnK header 3 Column Minima

1. Click image to enlarge the size.
2. Save picture to your computer.
3. Go to your blog and click customize.
4. Click edit Header.
5. Upload the image from your computer.
6. Placement, choose only "Behind title and description" (NOT shrink to fit)
7. Save.

8. And then go to "Fonts and colors" and choose Blog Title Color and Blog Description Color, which fit with your new banner.

Feel free to use this blog header on your blog, and a link back to Cute and Cool BlogStuff is appreciated.

You can find the matching background here.
post signature


  1. Ihania <3 Niin ihania ja kauniita :) Kiitos näistä sivuista! Sain oman bloginikin niin kauniiksi näiden avulla. Mahtavaa kun joku tekee tällaista! Juuri jotain semmoista mistä tykkään, mistä en ole edes osannut uneksiakaan!

  2. Thank you for creating these wonderful solutions to blog design.. At last I have found a design that I find comfortable with.. This sums me up completely.. Thank you again.. You are a creative genius..x Jet
